goryo originally meant spirit of a deceased person . 御霊自体は本来はミタマの意であった。
the soul or mitama (the spirit of a deceased person ) is an important concept . 魂(たましい)や御霊(みたま)は重要な概念である。
no-ihai is burnt after the chuin-dan is cleared (i .e ., after uchi-ihai is created and the spirit of a deceased person is transmitted from noi-hai to hon-ihai ). 野位牌は、中陰壇を解いた後、焚き上げられる〔内位牌の作成後、野位牌から本位牌に御霊を移動して頂いた後〕。
and thus a conference between the two was carried out in a cordial atmosphere , and atsutane was given one of norinaga ' s reihi (a monument to console the spirit of a deceased person ) from ohira . こうして、両者の会談は好意的な雰囲気でおこなうことができ、篤胤は宣長の霊碑の1つを大平より与えられた。
other than the above , there is a description in " nihon sandai jitsuroku " stating that sangaku was performed as the entertainment of goryo-e (ritual ceremony to repose of spirit of a deceased person ). 他にも『日本三代実録』には、御霊会などの余興として散楽が演じられたとする記述があって注目される。